The Art of Donuts

The more titles, the better.

Want even more titles?

Alright then!

It keeps going.
To eternity.

So those were headings, all the way from h1 to h6.

What is this?

This? It's a stylesheet that provides basic and beautiful styles for a simple webpage. Unlike the vast majority of popular CSS libraries (*ahem* Bootstrap), this doesn't depend on a class-based system and mess up your HTML.

Where can I use this?

How do I use this?

You have many options. Like, quite a few. Okay, you have a few options.

      <link href="/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Or download it here.

Is this cool?

Tabular representation of this year's stonks

Product Outcome
Donuts that last forever Stonks
Donuts that can cook itself instantly so that the donut never ends who came up with this idea
Trash that can take itself out Approved
Find your life long soulmate with the click of a button uh...what?
whenever you ctrl+c and ctrl+v, a random part of your search history is posted on twitter disaster girl
is this cool?
apparently not.